Please find below some stand-alone materials created as byproducts of our trainings. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in written, the materials are provided here to anyone who finds them useful, under the following, very permissible license terms.
License Terms
1) I hereby grant you a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the materials royalty-free, for any and all purposes, commercial or otherwise, and to embed the materials into other works, as long as the materials remain unaltered.
2) Please obtain my written consent before creating any modifications or derivatives.
3) Never misattribute the work or misrepresent it as your own. At the latest when asked explicitly, please attribute the work correctly to Daniel Alvarez Arribas.
4) I do not provide any warranties or accept any responsibility for any direct or indirect damages that may result from the use of the materials, to the fullest extent permissible by law. I do not endorse or adopt as my own anything that you say or do based on the provided materials.
5) By using the materials, you agree to these terms in their entirety.
Please be encouraged to suggest improvements. I am committed to considering them and making an honest effort to evolve the materials, on the merits. Whenever reasonably possible, I much prefer improving the materials in a consolidated way, over approving modifications and derivatives.
Scrum Master Stances
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Maximum Contrast
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